“Son Light”

PART 1. The first essential need for GROWth is sun light. Using plant life as a relevant example, David teaches how spiritually we need the light of Jesus Christ the Son of God in our lives to GROW spiritually.


“Soil Prep”

Part 2. The second essential need for proper GROWth is soil preparation. We must spiritually prepare our hearts in order to properly receive the Word of God.


“The Water”

Part 3. The third essential need for proper GROWth is water. In the same way a plant has to be watered on a regular basis to remain vibrant, our hearts must be watered by the Word of God in the same manner.


“Stunted Growth”

Part 4. In the same manner that rocky soil can stunt the GROWth of plants, unforgiveness hidden in the corridors of the heart can stunt spiritual GROWth.



“Root & Fruits”

Part 5. A plant is anchored in the ground by its roots that are unseen. The foliage or fruit of a tree is determined by the health of the roots. Being spiritually rooted in the Word of God will lead you to being able to bear good fruit.